
A New Age One Stop Beauty Solution to all your Skin Problems!

Chemical peels speed up skin cell turnover essentially making them skin resurfacing and exfoliation agents. The basic aim of chemical peels is to replace the outer, dead layers of tired, sallow, blemished and wrinkled skin to reveal the underlying areas of fresher, younger looking skin. 

This is done simply enough by the application of a chemical peel to the skin that causes the top most layers to shed. Apart from the obvious advantage of skin cell re growth, it also promotes the generation of collagen in the skin. 

There are a variety of peels ranging from the superficial depth peels to the deep ones, each for a different set of indications. Peels contain a form of acidic compounds (AHAs), glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid or trichloroacetic acid (TCA), or a combination of a few varieties. Few peels are derived from fruits like glycolic peels ,the most commonly used ones, are derived from sugarcane , lactic peels are derived from milk so they are safe to be done even in pregnancy and while breastfeeding also .

Superficial depth peels can be repeated every 2 weeks and around 6 to 10 sittings are required for the desired effect, but the deeper ones have a longer lasting effect, so they should be repeated only after a consultation with our doctor.

Peels help in:
  • Dull skin
  • Pigmentations
  • Acne
  • Post acne marks
  • Sun damage
  • Sun spots
  • Fine lines
  • Dry skin
  • Tanned skin
  • Uneven rough textured skin

Basically peels are a new age one stop beauty solution to all your skin problems, they are affordable and the best way to achieve flawless skin, so what are you waiting for? Contact us for an appointment and look your best.

Dr. Mehak Kaushik
Cosmetologist, Cocoon

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