
Breastfeeding: A Natural Defense Tool For Your Li’L one’s Health

Advantages: Breast milk provides all the nutrients in the correct proportions and protects your baby from infections. In addition to this, exclusive breast feeding for the first six months protects your baby from high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart attacks later in life. It also helps your baby’s brain to grow, protects them from cancers and helps mother to shed the excessive weight she has put on during pregnancy.

Common queries of about Breast Feeding:
  • How do I know that my baby is well attached to my breast?

Signs of good attachment are:
  • The baby’s face should be facing the breast.
  • The nipple and most of the areola is inside the baby’s mouth.
  • The chin should be touching the breast.
  • My baby goes to sleep while feeding. What should I do?

As long as the baby is making sucking movements in between, there is no need to do anything. If the baby goes to sleep and you feel that he has not fed sufficiently (20-25 minutes) you may gently tickle him on the soles of the feet or ears. Do not switch breast during feeding.
  • How do I know that my baby is getting enough breast milk?
  • Baby will sleep 2-3 hours after feeds.
  • Make 6-7 wet nappies within 24 hours.
  • Gain weight.

Common problems while Breast Feeding:

Engorgement: The breast may become hard, swollen & painful. Try to put baby frequently to the breast for short periods of time or extract the milk by hand or pump and feed the baby using a cup or spoon.

Sore nipples: Frequent washing or wiping the areola and nipple especially with soap leads to sore nipples. This is treated by extracting the milk from breast, application of breast milk or coconut oil to areola or nipple, and medication for pain.
Burping: The baby should be burped after each feed. This can be done by holding him on your shoulder, while supporting his head and back on your shoulder & gently patting his back and rocking forward and backwards. This position should be held for about five-ten minutes.

Posseting: Some babies spit small quantity of milk during feeding, burping, or while being handled. This milk may or may not be curdled. This normal behavior, known as posseting does not require any treatment.

Dr. Manish Mittal
Consultant, Neonatologist

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